Seeking SEO Assignment

Superrradical Clothing

The makers of this website did a great job using SEO to attract attention to their website. They have built a big audience to their clothing because of how their websuite looks. The logo that they have at the top of their website is what drew my attention when i first went onto the website to buy some clothes. The don't always have clothes for sale, they do drops. Which is what brings hype to the items that they drop and that is why they sell out so quick.

Some other SEO techniques that they could use are to start a blog and post weekly about their website and clothes. Another thing tehy could do is let customers design some of the clothes that they sell. That could bring a lot of hype around their website and clothes.


The designers of youtube have done and continue to do a great job with drawing attention. Millions of people use youtube everyday and they continue to gain more people. They recommend videos to people which i think makes the website so much better because if you do not know what you want to watch or search, there is a few recommended videos that will pop up. The way they have their website set up is great and it is user freindly to absolutely anybody that wants to watch any kinds of videos.

Some other SEO techniques that they could use are a weekly blog, which they already do use and it helps them draw attention to their website from parents, kids and a lot more people.


Twitter is one of the most used social media sites in the world. It is very user friendly and you can look up so much and stay in contact with friends, family and more. They do a good job wih keeping the site updated and making it easy to use and keep videos or pictures you like and keep them saved so you can watch them later or any time you want. You can also send people videos or pictures that you like who are also on twitter. Or if they dont have twitter you can copy the link and send it to them.

Again another SEO technique they could use is a weekly blog to keep people updated on what they have changed and made better. They also ask for feedback from people who use the app a lot which is great.